To create a multilevel list, click bullets and numbering on the format menu, and then click the multilevel tab. 如果要创建多级符号列表,可单击“格式”菜单中的“项目符号和编号”命令,再单击“多级符号”选项卡。
Design and Implementation of Multilevel Foldable Navigation Menu 多级可折叠导航菜单的设计实现
Making of Multilevel Menu in Authorware& Using Hot Spot to Realize Multilevel Menu Authorware多级菜单制作&热区交互实现菜单功能
Whereas the characters of USSD Monternet, the situation, which is not only each user has complex state-jump, multilevel menu but also many users 'accessing at one time, is needed to be solved. 鉴于USSD移动梦网系统不仅在单个用户处理上具有多级菜单的复杂状态跳转,还同时并行多个用户请求。